International Tax Articles
KC Global Consulting Limited ("KCG") has published more than 1,400 articles about international tax and trust in 4 years in Xiaohongshu (Chinese Instagram). We have refined all these articles and translated them to English (by ChatGPT, of course). Please find all our articles below. If you are interested in them, please subscribe by clicking the button below.
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Introduction of International Tax
- Accounting Crisis
- Alternative Minimum Corporate Tax
- Artificial Intelligenc
- Asset Secrecy
- Beneficial Owner Disclosure
- Cross-border e-commerce
- Global Tax Evasion Report 2024
- International Tax Planning
- International Tax Practitioner
- Introduction of International Tax
- Migration
- Private Placement Life Insurance
- Studying aboard
- Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
Tax by jurisdictions
- Australia
- Australian Tax Residents
- Bermuda
- Brazil
- British Virgin Islands
- Canada
- Canada Controlled Foreign Affiliate Rules
- Denmark
- France
- Greece
- Hainan Province, China
- Hong Kong SAR
- Hong Kong Individual Tax
- Hong Kong Salaries Tax
- Hong Kong Corporate Tax
- Hong Kong Family Office Tax Incentive
- Hong Kong FSIE Advance Rulings No.68 and No.69
- Hong Kong 2023 FSIE New Rules
- Hong Kong 2024 Policy Tax Reform
- Hong Kong Real Estate Tax
- Hong Kong Keyman Insurance
- Ireland
- Japan
- Luxembourg
- Certificate of Residence in Luxembourg
- Macau SAR
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Singapore
- Switzerland
- Switzerland’s FATCA Agreement Update
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- Attractiveness of Dubai IFZA Companies
- United Kingdom
- UK Inheritance Tax
- United States
- Pureto Rico Offshore Bank Accounts
- US Collection of Beneficial Owner Behind Real Estate Transaction
- US Disclosure of Beneficial Owner
- US Estate Tax
- US Expatriation Tax
- US John Doe Summons
- Vietnam
Tax Residence
- Emigration Tax Consultant
- China Expatriation Tax
Citizenship By Investment
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Armenia
- Bulgaria
- Cambodia
- Dominica
- Egypt
- Grenada
- Jordan
- Malta
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Saint Lucia
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- Turkey
- Vanuatu
Residence By Investment
- Austria
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Canada
- Cyprus
- France
- Georgia
- Greece
- Hong Kong SAR
- Latvia
- New Zealand
- Portugal
- Seychelles
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Algeria
- Angola
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Bolivia
- British Virgin Islands
- China
- Curacao
- Germany
- Guernsey
- Hong Kong SAR
- Japan
- Luxembourg
- Puerto Rico
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- Switzerland
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- United Arab Emirates
- United States
- Vanuatu
- Vietnam
Digital Nomad
- Albania
- Barbados
- Croatia
- Estonia
- Greece
- Italy
- Malaysia
- Montenegro
- Portugal
- Romania
- Seychelles
- Thailand
International Tax Rules
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Action 4
- Action 5
- Action 6
- Action 7
- Action 8 - 10
- Action 11
- Action 12
- Action 13
- Action 14
- Action 15
BEPS 2.0
- BEPS 2.0 Overview
Pillar 1: Global Digital Tax
- Introduction of Pillar 1
Pillar 2: Global Minimum Tax
- Scope of GloBE Income
- Step 1 - GloBE Income Calculation
- Step 1 - Further illustration
- Step 2 - Adjusted Covered Tax Calculation
- Step 3 - Effective Tax Rate & Top Up Tax Calculation
- Step 4 - Income Inclusion Rules & Undertaxed Payment Rules
- Pillar 2: Tax Planning
- Safe Harbour and Penalty Relief
- Subject to Tax Rule
- Administrative Guidance 2023.02
- Implementation Handbook
- Reaction of Minimum Tax by Thailand
- Qualified Refundable Tax Credit
- Debt-equity bias reduction allowance
- Economic Substance
- EU Personal Income Tax
- Germany increases transparency in Real Estate
- Global Reporting Initiative
- Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on Automatic Exchange on Financial Account Information
- OECD Plans to Increase Offshore Real Estate Transprency
- Principal Purpose Test
- Spanish Wealth Tax
- Tax Identification Number
- United Nations vs OECD
- Wealth Tax
Tax Cases
- Apple Inc
- Amazon
- Australian PwC
- Bank of China Seoul Branch
- Barcelona
- Barclays
- Billionaires
- Bristol Myers Squibb
- British American Tobacco
- Brockman
- Brookfield
- Burger King
- Cairn Energy
- Cayman Fund in Singapore
- Chevron Australia
- Coca Cola
- Cyprus Registered Alternative Investment Fund
- Donald Trump
- Donald Trump - Chicago Tower
- Dongfeng Motor
- DP World
- Engie
- European Banks
- Glencore - Australia Cobar Management Pty Limited
- Glencore - Zambia Mopani Copper Mines
- Huhtamaki
- Hutchison / Vodafone
- Intermediaries
- Jensen Huang
- Jiangsu Go Global
- JP Morgan
- Kau Hung Ping
- Maersk Oil
- Marzen Artistic Aluminium
- McDonald's
- Microsoft
- Netflix
- Newfair
- Nike
- Pandora Paper
- Pandora Paper in EU
- Pandora Paper in UK
- Perrodo
- Premier League
- Private Placement Life Insurance
- Rio Tinto
- S Car Parts Co
- Sanrio
- Seychelles Secret
- Singtel
- Starbuck
- Susquehanna
- Uber
- US Foundations
- US Sport Teams
- Warner Brothers
- Wu Yifan
- Zheng Shuang
Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
- Common Avoidance Methods to avoid CRS
- CRS 2.0
- Caribbean Passports and Banks
- Peer Review 2023
- Personal Exchange Traded Funds
- Singapore CRS Reporting
- Singapore Personalised Employment Pass
- Singapore Trust Settlor CRS Reporting
- Trust - Active NFE Type D
- Untaxed Investment Entity
- Zero Cash Value Insurance
Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF)
- Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework
- Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework FAQs (Sep 2024)
CARF by jurisdictions
- Beneficial Owner
- China Moves to Tax Ultra-Rich
- Double Tax Resident
- Five Ways To Invest China
- Foreign Income and Foreign Individuals Tax Policies in China
- Foreign Individual Income Tax Guideline by the Chinese Tax Authority
- Foreign Shell Company
- Future of Chinese Tax Reform
- Future Tax Environment of Chinese High Net Worth
- Taxability of Illegal Income in China
- Taxation of Capital Gain Tax on Listed Shares
- Multilateral Instrument in China
- Tax Risks for companies not paying dividends for a long time
- Family Trust - Comparison of Chinese & Non-Chinese Trust
- Special Tax in Purchasing Greek Real Estate by Trust
- Pugachev Trust attacked by Russian Government
- Sham and Illusory Trust
- Swiss Trust
- UK Trust Register
- US Trust History in a Hundred Years